Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Till Next Time...

I can't believe it's been (almost) 3 months since the twins were born. Time flies!
Recovery was just about perfect. I'm a trooper and have a high tolerance for pain, but even  I had to admit that I couldn't fully function for the first week or two. Of course that didn't stop me from trying! :)
The hardest part for me was waiting on the swelling to go down. I wanted to put my wedding ring back on and wear my shoes again. I ranted about it to some of my mommy friends and was assured that it would go down along with my weight. But I really felt like it was NEVER going to happen. If it wasn't for one friend in particular, I would have just given up and stayed down in the dumps. This friend was amazing. So supportive and encouraging. And to think I met her online over three years ago and have never met her in person.... it's on my "to-do" list.
The swelling did eventually go down and I got to put my wedding ring back on! It took a little less than a month for all of the swelling to go away and for me to drop all the weight I had gained. I was truly amazed! I couldn't believe it happened so quickly. Maybe I owe it all to the Belly Bandit? If you have no idea what that is and happen to get pregnant, GET ONE! AMAZING! I never believed in anything like this product before and never used anything like it with my other pregnancies but after reading reviews I decided to give it a shot. I gained twice as much with the twins as I did with my singeltons and getting rid of that extra weight was really important to me. I used it for 6 weeks and loved the confidence it gave me!

I'm pretty sure pumping also helped with the weight loss. I ended up doing it for almost 8 weeks. It was a little strange at first, devoting 15 minutes every 2-3 hours for pumping, but it was well worth it and made me feel good to help the girls out.
Shipping milk is a little crazy. I had no idea how much work went into packing and shipping something like that. Thank goodness for FedEx!

I look back over this whole adventure all the time. How it started and all the adventures we endured. In the end I wouldn't have changed a thing. I'm so happy that B and C chose me to be a part of this. There is something really amazing about helping a family grow and creating little miracles. <3

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