Sunday, June 19, 2011

Some People Can Be So Rude

It's no secret that Dr C doesn't think highly of me. From our first visit she made it clear that she didn't care about me that B and C were what mattered. That was fine with me and made sense.
Thursday during my appointment she was her normal self. She performed the ultrasound, which looked great btw, and told me that she would let me know how the blood test came back and if I needed to do anything else. 

On the way back home Thursday I got a phone call from the nurse saying that the were calling in Estrogen pills for me because my levels were too low. I explained to her that we weren't going straight home and that it would be Friday or Saturday before I got the prescription.
Today was B's BIG appointment. Everything went well and she was scheduled for the retrieval on Tuesday. The nurse called to let me know that I would start Progesterone and the antibiotics tomorrow to prepare for the procedure next week. While we were chatting I let her know that I hadn't picked up the prescriptions yet because I hadn't received payment for B yet. She hung up with me, called Dr C, and called me back letting me know that Dr C would call me later that afternoon. Oh boy.
I knew the conversation wasn't going to be a good one and I was right. She came on the line asking me why I didn't pick up the Estrogen Thursday. I explained what I had already told the nurse to her and also explained that I didn't have the check in hand yet to purchase the drugs. I had even called B at this point to see if there was anything she could do to help get the money here sooner. Anyway... Dr C let me know that she was furious and threatened that she would just tell B and C to freeze their embryos instead of using me so that I didn't get paid. I held my ground and told her that she should do whatever she thought was best for B and C. She made a few more comments and I told her that I wasn't interested in arguing with her. I asked her what we could do to make things work. She told me to go and get the pills and start them today, so I did. She mentioned in all her rage that my levels were 140 and she needed them to be 500-600. She had no idea why my levels were so low with the Estrogen I have been taking. 

We left the conversation with her saying she would talk to her fellow doctor and decide what was best for B and C and whether to trust the ultrasound and my uterus or her lab and my levels. She would let me know.
I was so furious when I got off the phone with her. She has some nerves speaking to me the way she did. I understand that she has to do what is best for B and C  but being catty doesn't help any of us.
I guess now all I can do is wait. I took the pill as instructed and will start progesterone and the antibiotics tomorrow. If all goes as planned I'll be back there on Friday for the transfer. I know one thing... I'll be glad when I don't have to see Dr C ever again. 

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