Wednesday, September 18, 2013

12 Week Update and Vent

This post has been a long time coming and I'm sorry for those of you that have been waiting. I have been thinking about what I would say for a couple of weeks now and I'm still not sure that I'm ready to put it all into words, but I will try.

The first step after confirmation of a pregnancy is finding a doctor. I sat out with my search based on local hospitals with a level III NICU and successful VBAC rates. I found a few that looked promising and sent them over to E to help me choose. We went back and forth a few times but E and C had stumbled upon a doctor they both felt pretty confident about. Feeling exhausted and sick, I felt it was best to just accept and give it a shot.
The reason why we thought Dr. S looked good was because of his training/background, experience with VBAC, small practice, and  experience with natural birth.  I think he takes our insurance" 

When I arrived at the office I filled out the paperwork and waited for about 30 minutes for Dr. S to come in. Our initial greeting went the way I had hoped. He firmly shook my hand and acknowledged Joelie. Once in his office we sat down and the questions began. He asked about my last period, I gave him that date as well as the date of our transfer. I explained that I was a gestational carrier and that both the sperm and egg belonged to the intended parents. The first thing he said is that he would like to send me for a Nuchal Transluency scan. I told him that I wasn't sure C and E were interested in the scan, that I would have to ask them. He raised his voice and told me that if he was going to me my doctor I had to have the scan. I went on to tell him that I didn't have the scan with any of my children. Raising his voice again he said, "THAT DOESN'T MATTER!". I shut down. He told me why the scan was important and I listened. I simply repeated what I said before about asking E and C if they wanted to have it done. With his voice still raised he asked if I would have to check with E and C on everything I had done, I said yes, it is their baby. He continued on and I finally told him that I thought I would just leave. He said he thought it was a good idea. He walked out and loudly said to the receptionist, " She is leaving because I don't want to deal with having to ask permission every time I want to perform a test, we won't charge her for the visit."
I got into the car and called E to give her a rundown.

E sent me a text later that afternoon saying that C was going to call Dr. S. After his phone call with the doctor, C called to get my side of things. Of course our stories pretty much lined up and C expressed how sorry he was for what I had gone through, BUT after talking to Dr. S he felt that we could try our visit again. See, C is a doctor too. He called Dr S and presented himself as a doctor and the intended dad. They had a doctor to doctor chat and came to an understanding. 

Here is where things get difficult for me. I really adore E and C. I think they are an amazing couple and I'm beyond thrilled to be able to do this for them. It was during the conversation with C that things changed for me. I suppose I should appreciate that he called Dr. S after our visit but instead I felt like he jumped on board with Dr. S and stabbed me in the back. I listened to what C had to say and replied when I could. I left the conversation agreeing to go back to Dr. S and feeling that C was less than sincere and maybe even a little fake.

Fast forward to the next visit. Dr. S was nothing but polite. His whole attitude to changed and he was speaking in a calm, soothing voice. He said that he spoke with Dr. C and had a better understanding of things and would be happy to take care of me through the remainder of the pregnancy. He asked if I had anything concerns. I told him that I appreciated his apology and that I just wanted to make one thing clear. I told him I would never allow him to speak to me the way he had before. He apologized again and agreed to keep his cool.
In the exam room the nurse practitioner told me how bad Dr. S felt after I left. She told me it was good that I stood up to him and said what I did. We did a pap smear and and ultrasound. Baby looked good, heart rate was 144.
After the exam we sat and talked a few more minutes. Apparently Dr. C and Dr. S decided to go ahead with the scan and additional blood work. Dr. S explained how I was high risk and how all of this was to take care of me. I tried to explain to Dr. S that my maternal age had nothing to do with the pregnancy and that I wasn't really high risk. I also tried to explain that the EDD was wrong because they needed to go by our transfer date, not my last period. Everything I said was nodded off and dismissed.
I left with an order to have a butt-load of blood work done and an appointment to have the Nuchal Scan that following Monday.

I'm going to stop here. There is a lot more to all of this but I'm so tired and not ready to continue. I will try and update the rest tomorrow.

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