Thursday, January 19, 2012

32 weeks. Part 2.

I appreciate all the concerns and thoughts. The girls are doing great and the pregnancy is going well.

After our scan yesterday the weights of the babies raised some concerns for me. I was worried about Macy-Dean being so much bigger than Hudson. I was also concerned about what that would mean for attempting a vaginal delivery. I'm aware that most doctors won't attempt a breech delivery and I know that if they normally consider it they sure won't if the breech baby is bigger.
So I went into my visit with Dr C armed with questions. I started off by asking him about the weight difference between the girls. I wanted to make sure it wasn't something that we should be concerned about it. He didn't have a clue what the numbers looked like so I gave him the documents from our last scan in December, and the one done yesterday. He said that it was 24% difference which was more than okay.
I moved on.
I asked him with Macy-Dean being bigger and breech what that meant for a vaginal delivery, what would he do? He started to shake his head before I finished the question and responded by telling me that I needed to find another doctor, that he wasn't the right one for me. I was shocked and asked him why. He started telling me that he wouldn't dare risk giving Macy-Dean Cerebal Palsy and that I may not care because they aren't mine, but he wouldn't do that to their mom. I just sat there listening to him. I told him I knew that no one would delivery a breech baby if it was bigger than the first baby delivered and explained that wasn't what I was asking. I told him that I had hoped he would try a version to turn Macy-Dean after Hudson was born. I gave him the spill about how my uterus could stretch, I delivered a lot of babies, blah blah blah. I felt like I was begging him to agree to try. He kept saying he couldn't offer a guarantee and that he felt like that is what I wanted from him. I told him all I wanted was for him to try and if it didn't work we could go straight to an emergency c-section. He started to come around, said that my experience made him feel better. He even told me stories of successful versions that he had done recently. I asked him if it didn't work and we ended up with a c-section what that would mean. He said if they had time they would do a spinal block, if not... they would put me to sleep. THEN I asked him about the scheduled induction that has been on my chart from the very beginning. February 28th. A Tuesday. I asked him if he did all of his inductions on Tuesday. He said NO, I only do SURGERIES on Tuesday. I looked at him in disbelief. All this time he has us scheduled for  a c-section despite anything we've said. In addition to that, the last time B was here she asked him to push the induction to closer to 39 weeks and after arguing he agreed. He never changed the date. He handed the nurse my chart and left the room without saying another word to me.

I was left with the nurse reassuring me that he would come around. I walked out to the other nurses telling me not to give up, to keep working on him. All I could think was I shouldn't have to "work" on him. In the beginning he agreed to let us try a vaginal delivery as long as Baby A was head down. In one day he went from telling me to get a new doctor, to saying he wouldn't do it, to agreeing to try...
In the end there is no way I can trust him every again. The way he handled the situation was very unprofessional. He was angry. He was rude and he made hurtful comments.

So. I spent last night looking for doctors in the Austin area willing to do a vaginal delivery with twins that are vertex and breech. I found 3. I contacted all of them. So far I've back from two of them.
One was a practice of 7 doctors. Only one had agreed to help but because of different doctors being on call they would all have to agree to it. They actually gave me the contact information for another doctor that said she would love to help. I have an appointment with her on Monday.
Another practice of 7 female doctors agreed to help. I have an appointment with them on Wednesday.

In the end, all I want is a great birthing experience for all of us involved and happy and healthy little girls. I'm sure that isn't impossible and I won't give up trying my hardest to make it happen. <3

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You are so strong. Stay strong and fight for what you know is right. You are amazing and don't let that man tell you otherwise.
