Wednesday, September 28, 2011

16 Week Appointment

The last four weeks have been a whirlwind of changes for me. First,and best of all, the bleeding has stopped! I'm so glad, it really was annoying. Second, my belly exploded with roundness. Not just the cute bump you see below the belly button when you first start showing... but full on rounded belly from top to bottom! I've tried sucking in to see if I'm just crazy but it doesn't go anywhere. :) I can even feel Baby A moving up above my belly button. I don't remember any of my kids being so high, so early.

Third, entering the second trimester brought my appetite back with a vengeance! I can eat just about anything without getting sick and boy do I want to eat! My new favorite foods of choice are tomatoes, jalapenos, nachos, yogurt, and Lucky Charms. I'm also back to enjoying my one cup of coffee per day (minus the overload of sweetener).
Of course you can guess what this means, right? Yep! Weight gain! I'm up 6lbs in one month. BOO! Of course the doctor was happy, 6lbs in 4 months is great! Too bad it doesn't feel so great...

Last, my emotions are out of control! I hate that feeling. I like to be in control of my body and mind and that isn't at all possible right now, despite how hard I fight. I can cry about anything and most of the time I just have to let it happen. 

I also have these freak out moments where random, awful thoughts enter my mind and send me into a sobbing mess. 9 times out of 10 it has something to do with my children and fear of something awful happening to them. Add these crazy emotions to the wicked "real life like dreams" and at times, I feel like I'm falling apart.

Today's check up went as usual... urine sample and a sneak peak at the babies. This time they were both hanging out with their heads on the opposite sides of each other with their feet touching. They spent most of the appointment facing downward and being difficult so that we couldn't really see what sex they are but we didn't give up!
We started out with Baby A who wouldn't budge despite the nurse pestering him/her. So we moved on to Baby B. The nurse was pretty sure that we were looking at girl parts. The doctor said although you couldn't see the 3 lines you could see that there wasn't anything poking out. Going back to Baby A we were right in time to watch him/her cross it's legs! What a handful that kid is already! The doctor pushed and poked until he/she moved and said, "well, there are no boy parts there either!"
We checked heart rates so I could take a video of them to send to B. Baby A was 152 and Baby B was 154.
So verdict is, two girls! I'm not buying it! :) I'm still thinking that A is a boy. I guess we won't know until next month!

I called B and gave her the update on how awesome thy both looked and assured her that they were right on track without spilling the beans about what we saw, or didn't see. I told her that I didn't get 100% confirmation on the sexes and that I still believed it's one of each, which is what she thinks too.
Can't wait to see them again next month and see if we are right or if the doctor and nurse are right! 


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